Project of the not-for-profit organization Tyflocentrum Brno, o.p.s., an accredited centre for providing social services to visualy impaired people in the region of Southern Moravia
Since 1990, the level of social services has been rising rapidly in the Czech Republic. This is happening especially thanks to many non-governmental non-profit organizations. Step by step, these organizations have started to cover white spots on the map of possible help to people in need. Of course, this would not be possible without dotations from governmental and municipal institutions and without sponsors and donators. They all together helped to make it possible for non-governmental providers of social services to develop. One of such white spots on the map is also care for blind and visually impaired persons in the CR. Loss of sight or its serious impairment has an immense influence on the individual and his or her life. In most cases, the lives of such persons change entirely. Yet, it does matter, how.
In 1990 The Josef Chaloupka foundation house, named after the Moravian poet Josef Chaloupka, who dedicated it to the blind in the thirties of the 20th century, began to fulfil the poet's primary idea again after a 40 years long break.
However, the house is currently in very bad condition and requires essential reconstruction which would not only improve the bad technical conditions of the building but it would also enable to make it barrier-free and to secure enough space for providing modern services to all visually impaired persons.
The donations account number for essential reconstruction and equipment of the Regional Centre for the Blind
CZ34 0800 0300 1520 2530 6339
Bank addres: Česká spořitelna, A.S., Palackého 59
CZ-612 00 Brno-Královo Pole
We thank all who decide to contribute.
All suggestions send to
All rights reserved © TyfloCentrum Brno, o. p. s. 2005-21